Direct Image® Viewer
Version : 3.2 – Build : 18109 – Date : 24/04/2018
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What is Geoprobe® DI Viewer?
- Automatically opens and displays all types of Geoprobe®-DI Logs including EC, HPT, MIP, MiHpt, OIP, OiHpt…
- Used by field operators to QC finish logs in the field.
- Used by consultants, regulators, and site owners to compare logs and develop site models.
- Can display multiple logs in either cross section or overlay formats.
- Includes post logging calculation algorithms including estimated hydraulic conductivity (K) and hydrostatic profile of HPT logs.
- Allows printing and exporting of log graphics to other applications.
- Includes a measurement tool (scale) for OIP images.
- Incorporates the Estimated GW Specific Conductance parameter [μS/cm] for the estimation of the electrical conductivity of groundwater (in sandy soils) based on Archie’s law.
The DI Viewer is a “Display Log” utility program created by Geoprobe Systems® to allow rapid viewing, comparison, printing and export of Geoprobe®-DI logs. Supported log types include EC, HPT, MIP, MiHpt, and HPT-GW. Geoprobe Systems® offers this software as a free download so that consultants, regulators, site owners, and others who specify or use DI log data can rapidly open and review logs supplied by DI service providers.
A typical computer screen display from the DI Viewer is shown in Figure 1 below.
Fig. 1 : Single log graph of an MiHpt log showing (left to right): EC, HPT Pressure with Hydrostatic Profile, XSD Detector Response and Estimated K.
Systems requirements:
- Windows XP or later
- Windows Installer V.3.1 or later
- .NET Framwork 3.5 (requires at least a 400 MHz processor, 96 MB of RAM, 280 MB of free disk space, and Internet Explorer 5 or later)
Log Display Options:
The DI Viewer has three log display options which allow the user to display and compare data quickly and easily to get the most information possible.
The software automatically recognizes which log type has been chosen to display. Appropriate graph series will be displayed for the chosen log type.
Options are available to view different graph series.
Single Log will allow you to view any of the graphs associated with a single log. The software will display graph series specific to the type of log that has been selected. The single log display is the default viewing format when the program is started (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 : Single log graph of an MiHpt log showing (left to right): EC, HPT Pressure with Hydrostatic Profile, PID Detector Response and Estimated K. The graphs highlight soil type and permeability, contaminant profile and groundwater flow rates.
Overlay allows you to compare the graphs between different logs (Figure 3). This is often done with logs performed in close proximity to one another or at the same location before and after a remediation event.
Fig. 3 : An Overlay of 3 MiHpt logs showing left to right: EC, HPT Injection Pressure, PID and FID Detector Responses. This display allows the user to evaluate the repeatability of logs performed in close proximity or to quickly determine contaminant level changes over time.
Cross Section allows you to compare up to 2 graphs for multiple logs (Figure 4). This is used to compare a series of logs that have been performed to see how lithology, permeability or contaminant readings change as you move across a site.
This tool allows a quick visual for assisting in locating where subsequent logs need to be placed or where confirmation samples need to be collected.
Fig. 4: A Cross Section of 4 MIP logs. Electrical conductivity is shown in red while PID detector response is shown in green. Cross sections like this help the user to understand the distribution and mobility of contaminants in the subsurface.